Migration data for Local Authorities in Scotland in 2011

Table ID:
MIG_2011_S     (1251621)
Migration data for Local Authorities in Scotland in 2011
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
Reporting units are identified by:
   Local Government District Type
The data are for the single year 2011.


  1. These data were obtained from table "DC2207SC - Country of Birth by religion by sex" for Local Authorities from the 2011 Census of Population. The data was downloaded on 17th November 2015 in spreadsheet format from the Standard Outputs part of the Scotland's Census website operated by the National Records of Scotland. They are under Crown Copyright, but are made available for use under an Open Government Licence.


  1. The data contained a caveat about accuracy due to data protection. This may affect results from the check sums: "In order to protect against disclosure of personal information, some records have been swapped between different geographic areas. Some cell values will be affected, particularly small values at the most detailed geographies." More details on Census disclosure control strategy may be found on their page about Confidentiality.
  2. This table covers local authority units which in Scotland are Scottish Council Areas.
  3. The original data was downloaded as individual tabs for each Council Area in a single spreadsheet. Each tab was copied and pasted in a transposed format into a new single sheet to ensure the data matched the English and Welsh data as closely as possible. To alleviate some of the complexity in the table data was initally loaded into a temporary table containing all columns and then exported to a consolidated table where the birthplaces remained columns, but the gender and religion categories became row variables.


  1. The statistical data have not been checked.
  2. The geographical units have been cross-checked against the GBHGIS administrative unit gazetteer to ensure that all units are correctly identified. The unit names and types have been standardised. Each unit has a unique unit ID assigned to it and this can be used to cross-reference against other data-sets.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
mig_2011_s_pkey Primary key rec_num
mig_2011_s_g_unit_idx Unique g_unit, rec_num
mig_2011_s_lau_idx Unique g_name, lg_type, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

mig_2011_s_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

lau_name Text string (max.len.=104). Name of the Local Authority as it appeared in the original table.
lg_type Text string (max.len.=16). Type of unit.
g_unit Integer number. Unique ID number for local authority unit from the auo gazetteer.
g_name Text string (max.len.=104). Standardised name of local authority (preferred English name as given in the auo gazetteer).
sex Text string (max.len.=8). Gender; M = Male, F = Female or T = All Persons
rel_category Text string (max.len.=24). Religious categories are broken down as follows: All ...
mig_all Integer number. Count of all usual residents
europe_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Total
europe_uk_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: United Kingdom: Total
europe_uk_eng Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: United Kingdom: England
europe_uk_ni Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: United Kingdom: Northern Ireland
europe_uk_sco Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: United Kingdom: Scotland
europe_uk_wal Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: United Kingdom: Wales
europe_uk_ns Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: United Kingdom: part not specified
europe_cim Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Channel Islands and Isle of Man
europe_ireland Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Republic of Ireland
europe_oth_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Other Europe: Total
europe_oth_eu_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Total
europe_oth_eu_2001 Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Member countries in March 2001
europe_oth_eu_2011 Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Other Europe: EU countries: Accession countries April 2001 to March 2011
europe_oth_rest_noneu Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Europe: Other Europe: Non EU countries
africa_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Africa: Total
africa_n Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Africa: North Africa
africa_cw Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Africa: Central and Western Africa
africa_se Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Africa: South and Eastern Africa
measia_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Middle East and Asia: Total
measia_me Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Middle East and Asia: Middle East
measia_easia Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Middle East and Asia: Eastern Asia
measia_sasia Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Middle East and Asia: Southern Asia
measia_seasia Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Middle East and Asia: South-East Asia
measia_casia Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Middle East and Asia: Central Asia
americas_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being The Americas and the Caribbean: Total
americas_n Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being The Americas and the Caribbean: North America
americas_c Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being The Americas and the Caribbean: Central America
americas_s Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being The Americas and the Caribbean: South America
americas_car Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being The Americas and the Caribbean: The Caribbean
oceania_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Antarctica and Oceania
oth_tot Integer number. Count of persons stating their County of Birth as being Other
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.