Birthplace statistics for residents of England and Wales in 1871

Table ID:
MIG_1871_EW     (1251494)
Birthplace statistics for residents of England and Wales in 1871
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paul Ell
Reporting units are identified by:
   Registration County
The data are for the single year 1871.


  1. This table was transcribed from the table entitled 'Birth-places of the People - Birth-places of the Inhabitants of in the divisional sections of the 1871 census reports.
  2. These data were computerised by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis.
  3. There are 11 tables, one for each of the census divisions in England and Wales.
  4. The table does not include footnotes or endnotes.


  1. The original table was organised with columns giving the county of residence in 1871 and rows giving the birthplace, but have been re-organised here so that both counties appear as values in columns.
  2. The birthplace field contains a variety of spatial units. Counties are listed for England and Wales but it is unclear whether these are registration counties of administrative counties. The Welsh data also includes an entry for 'WALES (County not stated)'. Figures for those born in Scotland and Ireland are not broken down into smaller units. Nor are those for people born in 'Islands in the British Seas'. Those born outside the United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland are recorded under the following - 'British Colonies and East Indies', 'Foreign Parts - British Subjects', 'Foreign Parts - Foreigners', and 'Born at Sea'.
  3. A further set of tables provides a detailed breakdown of place of birth of those born abroad together with their occupations and ages. These tables have not been computerised.
  4. It should be noted that this table records place of residence by registration county. The 1851 and 1861 migration tables provided a more detailed breakdown of place of residence by registration district.
  5. Table was renamed from mig_1871 when transferred from the Oracle server.


  1. The printed table contains divisional totals. These were compared to summed county totals.
  2. No matching to the AUO gazetteer has been attempted. These files have been altered to run on Postgres, but otherwise are exactly the same as they were on the oracle server.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
mig_1871_ew_pkey Primary key rec_num
mig_1871_ew_idx Unique birthplace, reg_cnty


The table has the following associated constraints:

mig_1871_ew_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

birthplace Text string (max.len.=154). Place of birth.
reg_cnty Text string (max.len.=104). Registration county resident in at enumeration.
m_u_20 Integer number. Total number of males aged under 20 years.
m_20_up Integer number. Total number of males aged 20 years and over.
f_u_20 Integer number. Total number of females aged under 20 years.
f_20_up Integer number. Total number of females aged 20 years and over.
notes Text string (max.len.=258). Notes added following data capture.
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.