Birth-Places of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Scotland in 1871

Table ID:
MIG_1871_S     (1251502)
Birth-Places of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Scotland in 1871
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Paul Ell
Reporting units are identified by:
   Unspecified County
The data are for the single year 1871.


  1. This table was transcribed from the table entitled 'Birth-places of the People, 1871. Number of each sex, under and above 20 years of age, born in Scotland, its divisions, counties, and in other countries; and of these the number born in each of the eight provincial towns'.
  2. These data were computerised by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis.
  3. The table does not include footnotes or endnotes.
  4. This is a full transcription of the printed table except for totals (which include summary birthplace data for Scotland, the Northern and Southern Portions, and for the 8 Scottish census divisions). In addition birthplace data for 8 towns was excluded


  1. The original table was organised with columns giving the county of residence in 1871 and rows giving the birthplace, but have been re-organised here so that both counties appear as values in columns.
  2. The birthplace field contains a variety of spatial units. Counties are listed for Scotland together with 'England', 'Wales', 'Ireland', 'Man, Guernsey, and Jersey', 'British Colonies', 'British Subjects Born in Foreign Parts', 'Foreigners', and 'Born at Sea, British'. In addition birthplace data for eight Scottish towns is given but has not been digitised.
  3. We are currently unsure of the census geography used in this table.


  1. In the original table, the top row of the table gave the total number of inhabitants in each county of residence, and this was used to check the numbers listed as having been born in each county of birth.
  2. No matching to the AUO gazetteer has been attempted. These files have been altered to run on Postgres, but otherwise are exactly the same as they were on the oracle server.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
mig_1871_s_pkey Primary key rec_num
mig_1871_s_idx Unique birthplace, x_county, rec_num


The table has the following associated constraints:

mig_1871_s_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

birthplace Text string (max.len.=154). Place of birth
x_cou_no Integer number. Number of County
x_county Text string (max.len.=104). Name of x_county
m_u_20 Integer number. Males under 20 years
m_20_up Integer number. Males 20 years and upwards
f_u_20 Integer number. Females under 20 years
f_20_up Integer number. Females 20 years and upwards
notes Text string (max.len.=258). Notes added after data capture
rec_num Integer number. Unique number identifying row in table.