Industry statistics for counties and large towns in Scotland, for 1931

Table ID:
IND_1931_S     (1250997)
Industry statistics for counties and large towns in Scotland, for 1931
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Raw Data
Documentation Author:
Humphrey Southall
The data are for the single year 1931.


  1. This is a full transcription of Table 16, 'INDUSTRIES OF MALES AND FEMALES, AGED 14 YEARS AND OVER, IN CITIES, COUNTIES AND LARGE BURGHS.', pp. 326-397 in Census 1931: Scotland: Occupations and Industries (Edinburgh: HMSO, 1934).
  2. The dataset began as a partial transcription by Paula Aucott at Portsmouth in March 2006, as part of work for the Environment Agency on contextualising the Land Utilisation Survey of Great Britain. This was limited to statistics for counties, and the four Scottish cities, and was also highly selective by industry: only the totals for the 22 orders and the detailed categories within agriculture have been input.
  3. The transcription was greatly extended, and made complete, in autumn 2015, mainly by data entry at the Centre for Cities, but with final error checking and correction by Humphrey Southall. We acknowledge the assistance of Paul Swinney and Bethan Heslin-Davies of the Centre for Cities.


  1. This is a full transcription and the industrial classification is almost identical to that used for England and Wales in 1931, but: (a) the Group 'Land and Estate Management' appears only in the Scottish report; and (b) the Scottish report does not list the total population over 14, the unoccupied and retired or the unemployed, which are the first three rows in the table for England and Wales. These differences were handled by using the same 'row sequence' values in both transcriptions, and in the 1931 codebook, and consequently in this Scottish transcription rows 1 to 3 do not appear.
  2. A note to the Scottish tables says: 'Persons "Out of Work" are included in their respective Industries. The "retired" are not included in this tabulation. This is a major difference from the data for England and Wales, in which those out of work were excluded from the industrial classification.
  3. The table holds data for the following kinds of unit, identified by area_type:
    • Nation (1 area): Scotland total.
    • County (33 areas): Include large burghs but exclude cities.
    • City (4 areas): Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
    • Burgh (20 areas): Data for Large Burghs only.


  1. The sum of the number of employees in each order was compared with the reported 'Total in Industries'.
  2. The sum of the Groups within each Order was compared with the reported total for that Order; or, if an Order was divided into sub-Orders, the Groups were totalled and compared with the sub-Order figures, and the sub-Orders totalled and compared with the Order figures.
  3. The above checks do not find cases where figures for a Group were input into the wrong row within the relevant Order or sub-Order. Further check sums were computed to compared the figures for individual Groups in all the Counties and Cities with the overall totals for Scotland. However, it was not possible to check the data for Large Burghs in this way.
  4. Once all transcription errors had been found and corrected, just one inconsistency remained: the national total for males in 'Laundries, Job Dyeing, and Dry Cleaning' (Group 779) was printed as 4,341, but that led to both the computed total for the relevant Order nationally and the computed total of that Group across counties and cities being larger than the printed figures by 2, so we revised the figure to 4,339. That eliminated all inconsistencies.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
ind_1931_s_idx Unique sco_cnty, area_name, area_type, row_seq
ind_1931_s_idx_unit Unique g_unit, row_seq

Columns within table:

col_seq Integer number. Number placing units in the order in which they appear in the original table. This was added by us as the data were loaded.
sco_cnty Text string (max.len.=42). Name of the Administrative County or City.
area_name Text string (max.len.=36). Name of the district. NB this is the actual name for Large Burghs, but for all other areas it is given as '[TOTAL]'.
area_type Text string (max.len.=11). Type of unit. The following values appear: 'Burgh' = Large Burgh, 'City' = Scottish City, 'County' = Scottish County, 'Nation' = Data for Scotland as a whole.
g_unit Integer number. ID number of the nation, county, City or Burgh, as defined in the GBHGIS AUO.
row_seq Integer number. Sequence number identifying the different rows for each unit, and placing them in the correct order. See note above.
order_num Text string (max.len.=9). Roman numeral indicating industrial Order, from I to XXII.
industry Text string (max.len.=124). Transcription of the label for the row as it appears in the report. This can identify an Order, sub-Order, a detailed Group, or the initial row listing 'All Industries'. For most analytical purposes this column should be ignored. Instead, use row_seq to link the data to the ind_1931_codebook table, and use the various classifications held there.
group_code Integer number. Integer value identifying the Group within the Order; null if the row is for an Order or sub-Order.
males Integer number. Number of males employed.
females Integer number. Number of females employed.