Occupational categories appearing in occ_1881_s (Scotland).

Table ID:
OCC_1881_S_CODEBOOK     (1251878)
Occupational categories appearing in occ_1881_s (Scotland).
Approx. number of rows:
Table type:
Documentation Author:
Paula Aucott
The data are for the single year 1881.


  1. This table is based on the listing of occupations originally supplied by Matthew Woollard and extended by the GBHGIS Project team for occuaptions in England and Wales in 1881 (see occ_1881_c and occ_1881_codebook). It has been modified during data entry to accurately reflect the occuaptions given for each Scottish county and burgh.


  1. This is based on the equivalent table for England and Wales, but the occuptions listed in the Scottish reports are somewhat different. Note that the classiciation into Social Classes is incomplete and needs more work.
  2. All relevant occupations have been assigned to the 2007 Industrial Classification.


  1. No checking.


IndexTypeColumn(s) indexed
occ_1881_s_codebook_pkey Primary key sco_row


The table has the following associated constraints:

occ_1881_s_codebook_pkey Primary Key See details above for primary key index

Columns within table:

sco_row Integer number. Sequence number placing rows in the order they appeared in in the original listing. These sco_row values appear in the main occ_1881_s table, so they form the main link between the data and the codebook.
src_tab_row Integer number. Number placing rows in a different order for table reconstructions in VoB: This starts with overall totals as row 1, then lists each of the Orders (level 2) in turn, starting with their total followed by the individual occupations.
level_num Integer number. Number identifying the finest level of detail of the codebook information for that row. Summary statistics will be listed under level 2, individual occupations level 4.
class_num Integer number. Number identifying the top level of the original 1881 classification of occupations (class number).
order_num Integer number. Number identifying the second level of the original 1881 classification of occupations (order number).
sub_order_num Integer number. Number identifying the third level in the original 1881 classification of occupations (sub order number).
occupation Text string (max.len.=72). Text describing the most detailed level in the original 1881 classification of occupations. In general, this specifies quite detailed occupations, such as 'Blacksmith'.
class_21 Integer number. The social class under the 1921 occupational classification, as provided by Armstrong. NB this is currently incomplete and needs checking.
class_21_div Text string (max.len.=10). The social class under the 1921 occupational classification, as provided by Armstrong, but with class 3 divided into manual and non-manual (3_MAN and 3_NM). These assignments were closely based on those in occ_1881_codebook. NB the use of these codes means this column is now character-based, not integer.
class_51 Integer number. The social class under the 1951 occupational classification, as provided by Armstrong. This is currently VERY incomplete and should not be used.
ind_sector Text string (max.len.=8). A simple six-way industrial classification, added to permit creation of data for the VisionOfBritain web site.
sic_query Text string (max.len.=10). This is a flag column which holds 'Q' if our assignment of the 1881 category to the 2007 SIC was seen as especially problematic; otherwise empty.
sic_division Integer number. Integer number identifying the 2007 SIC 'Division' to which we have assigned the 1931 group. These form a single sequence running from 1 to 99, plus 100 to identify persons who cannot be classified..
sic_division_name Text string (max.len.=138). Name of the 2007 SIC 'Division'. For example, 'AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHING' is divided into (01) 'Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities', (02) 'Forestry and logging', and (03) 'Fishing and aquaculture'. Some Sections contain only one division.
notes Long text. Notes, mainly used to explain the basis for problematic allocations.