Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for NETTLESTONE-POINT

NETTLESTONE-POINT, a small bold headland on the N E coast of the Isle of Wight; at Seaview village, 2½ miles E S E of Ryde. It formerly was crowned with a blockhouse, for the defence of the island; and, on thataccount, is sometimes called Old Fort. The French invading force of 1545 landed here, and occupied the block-house, which had been abandoned by its garrison; and they ventured hence inland, fell into an ambuscade, and were driven back, with great loss, to their ships. The rocks of the headland consist of rag or freestone, withsiliceous concretions passing into grit; and they aboundin comminuted univalves.

(John Marius Wilson, Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1870-72))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a small bold headland"   (ADL Feature Type: "capes")
Administrative units: Hampshire AncC

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