Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for WHITECHURCH-GLYN

WHITECHURCH-GLYN, a parish, in the barony of BANTRY, county of WEXFORD, and province of LEINSTER, 3 miles (N.) from Taghmon, near the road to Enniscorthy: containing 1738 inhabitants. It comprises 6730 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act, partly in pasture, but chiefly in tillage: the new road from Wexford to New Ross passes through the southern part of the parish. It is an impropriate cure, in the diocese of Ferns; the rectory is partly impropriate in the Earl of Portsmouth, and the remainder, which was formerly impropriate in the Colclough family, was, about the year 1740, purchased by the late Board of First Fruits for the endowment of the impropriate cure, which now forms part of the union of Killurin. The tithes amount to £260. 1. 1 ½., of which £45. 7. 4 ½. is payable to the impropriator, and the remainder to the incumbent. In the R. C. divisions the parish is partly in the union or district of Taghmon, but chiefly in that of Glyn.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Bantry IrlBarony       Wexford IrlC
Place: Whitechurchglynn

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