Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for KILL, or KILL of the GRANGE

KILL, or KILL of the GRANGE, a parish, in the half-barony of RATHDOWN, county of DUBLIN, and province of LEINSTER, 5 miles (S. E.) from Dublin, on the road to Bray; containing 1305 inhabitants. This parish comprises 1551 statute acres, besides 257 at the Kill of the Grange of Clonkeen. Much of the land is in pasture, and the system of agriculture is improving. The mountain and sea views are very fine, and there are many seats, the chief of which are Newtown Park House, the residence of H. S. Close, Esq.; Belville, of Lieut.-Col. Cash; Killiney Castle, of P. Warren, Esq.; Carriglea, of the Rev. T. Goff; Stoneville, of Lieut.-Col. Pratt; Somerton, of S. Foote, Esq.; Newpark, of Willoughby Carter, Esq.; Ferney, of H. Scovell, Esq.; Newtown Park House, of R. Perry, Esq.; Barton Hall, of J. Hall, Esq.; Eversham, of W. Minchin, Esq.; Abiline and Naesgwydd, of T. Dixon, Esq.; Bellosguardo, of R. Powell, Esq.; Hollyville, of J. B. Stopford, Esq.; Stillorgan glebe, of the Rev. R. Greene; Newtown Park Cottage, of C. Doyne, Esq.; Anglesea, of C. Carleton, Esq.; Johnstown, of Capt. Whyte, R.N.; Woodpark, of D. Corneille, Esq.; Flower Grove, of the Rt. Hon. and Rev. Viscount Mountmorres; Rochestown House, of J. Morgan, Esq.; Springfield, of P. Plunkett, Esq.; Granite Field, of Mrs. Spears; Rochestown Avenue, of B. Molloy, Esq.; Woodpark, of J. J. Kirk, Esq.; Rockland, of P. Lynch, Esq.; Rosey Park, of R. Brown, Esq.; Ashgrove, of J. Murphy, Esq.; Birch Grove, of G. Williamson, Esq.; and Kill Abbey, of R. Espinasse, Esq. This last seat was the country residence of the deans of Christ-Church, Dublin, and is part of the estate of Kill of the Grange of Clonkeen, but has been held by lease for above 120 years by the Espinasse family. The parish is in the diocese of Dublin, and is a curacy, forming part of the union of Monkstown; the rectory is part of the corps of the deanery of Christ-Church, Dublin. The tithes amount to £171. 15. 3., of which two-thirds are payable to the dean and one-third to the curate, who also receives £42. 2. 6. as the tithes of Kill of the Grange of Clonkeen. In the R. C. divisions it forms part of the union or district of Kingstown and Cabinteely. There is a parochial school near Cornel's Court; and C. Doyne, Esq., has erected and supports an infants' school near his seat. The greater part of the village of Newtown Park is in this parish, as is also the village of Killiney, which is delightfully situated. Near it, on the summit of one of the Killiney hills, is an obelisk, commanding extremely beautiful views: it was erected by John Malpas, Esq., in 1742, principally to employ the neighbouring poor in a season of distress. Near Kill Abbey are the ruins of the old church, in many places covered with ivy; in the cemetery are the remains of an ancient cross, and there are remains of another at the entrance of the road leading to the church. In the demesne of Carriglea is an ancient rath.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

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Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Dublin IrlC
Place names: KILL     |     KILL OF THE GRANGE     |     KILL OR KILL OF THE GRANGE
Place: Kill

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