Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for KILBARRYMEADEN

KILBARRYMEADEN, a parish, in the southern part of the barony of UPPERTHIRD, county of WATERFORD, and province of MUNSTER, 4 miles (S. E.) from Kilmacthomas; containing 2416 inhabitants. Its surface is generally naked and uncultivated, and includes about 300 acres of bog; but its mineral productions are valuable, the Irish Mining Company raising a large quantity of superior copper ore, and lead ore was formerly obtained from the strand at Kilmurrin. Several neat houses have been built lately for the miners. Dunbratten is supposed to have been the spot first occupied by the Anglo-Norman invaders, under Raymond le Gros, who here repulsed with great slaughter the Danes of Waterford and the inhabitants of the surrounding country, who attacked his intrenchments, part of which still exist. There is a small fishing station at Dunbratten, to which belong about 25 boats. Much limestone is imported from Dungarvan, and the erection of a pier would be a great benefit to the surrounding country. Here is a constabulary police station. The principal seats are Gardenmorris, the residence of J. Power O'Shee, Esq., and Georges-town, of J. Barren, Esq. The parish is in the diocese of Lismore; the rectory is united to part of the rectories of Kilburn and Kilmeadan, which together form the corps of the precentorship in the cathedral of Waterford, in the patronage of the Bishop; the vicarage forms a separate benefice, in the gift of the Bishop. The tithes amount to £300, of which £200 is payable to the precentor, and £100 to the vicar; the entire revenue of the precentorship is £345. 17. 3. A new church has been erected here lately, principally at the expense of Lady Osborne. The R. C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church, and has a chapel. About 180 children are educated in two public schools, which are held in a school-house built by Lady Osborne, who also contributes towards their support. Here is a well dedicated to St. Baramedan, who founded the church; and at Kilmurren was a church founded by his sister, Murina, of which the ruins are still visible. Near Dunbratten is an image of St. Baramedan, rudely carved out of a rock, and much resorted to by the peasantry.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Waterford IrlC
Place: Kilbarrymeaden

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