Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for DUNANY

DUNANY, a parish, in the barony of FERRARD, county of LOUTH, and province of LEINSTER, 5 miles (E. N. E.) from Dunleer; containing 571 inhabitants. This parish, which is situated on the eastern coast, contains, according to the Ordnance survey, 1661 ¾ statute acres, chiefly under tillage. Dunany House, the residence of Lady Bellingham, is surrounded by an extensive and finely-planted demesne, and commands fine views of the sea and the Carlingford mountains. Dunany Point is distinguished at sea by the church, which stands on the summit of the rising ground: at the Point is a chief station of the coast-guard. The parish is in the diocese of Armagh; the vicarage was united in the 18th century to those of Parsonstown, Marlinstown, and Salterstown, and is in the patronage of the Marquess of Drogheda; the rectory is impropriate in Lady Bellingham. The tithes amount to £154. 0. 8., of which £90. 16. 85. is payable to the impropriator, and the remainder to the vicar; and the tithes of the entire benefice amount to £111. 18. 10 ½. The church, which is in excellent repair, was built in 1814, and the glebe-house about the same period, by aid of a gift of £400 and a loan of £364 from the late Board of First Fruits; the glebe comprises 20 acres, valued at £27 per annum. In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the union or district of Dysart. About 20 children are educated in a private school.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Dunany IrlPar       Ferrard IrlBarony       Louth IrlC
Place: Dunany

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