Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for CLONDROHID

CLONDROHID, a parish, in the barony of WEST MUSKERRY, county of CORK, and province of MUNSTER, 2 miles (N. W.) from Macroom; containing 5293 inhabitants. This parish is situated on the road from Cork to Killarney, and is intersected by the river Foherish, which, rising in the mountains of Glaundave, runs nearly through its centre, and joins the Sullane near Carrig-a-Phouea. It contains 25,276 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act, and valued at £8070 per annum: of these, 50 acres are woodland, 8748 arable, 8898 pasture, 491 bog, and the remainder mountain and waste land. The waste land consists of rocky ground, which is adapted to the growth of timber, there being a natural growth of oak, birch, mountain ash, holly, and willow in the rocky districts. The bog is the most valuable portion of the parish, as it principally supplies the town of Macroom with fuel, besides furnishing the parishioners with firing for domestic purposes and burning lime. Great quantities of land have been brought into cultivation since 1812, but the state of agriculture has undergone little improvement; the old heavy wooden plough, or the spade, is still used.

Towards the southern boundary, round Carrig-a-Phouca, are large masses of bare rock, with small patches of cultivable land interspersed. The mountains of Muskerrymore, on the north, and of Mullaghanish, which form the boundary between Cork and Kerry on the west, notwithstanding their elevation, afford excellent pasture. At Prohus and Glauntane are extensive slate quarries, the latter producing slate of very superior quality; and veins of copper ore are numerous in the neighbourhood of the former. In the rivulet of Bawnmore are strata of excellent freestone, dipping almost vertically. The old and new roads from Cork to Killarney, the former of which is the mail coach road; pass through the parish, and it is also intersected by a third road leading from Macroom to the Muskerry mountains. Within its limits are scenes of great variety and beauty, particularly near Carrig-a-Phouca and Cushkeen-morrohy, the latter of which vies with the romantic scenery of Killarney or Glengariff, but being at a distance from the road is little known. The vale of the Sullane, with the lofty mountains and craggy rocks in its vicinity, presents a wild and romantic scene. The principal seats in the parish are Ash Grove, the residence of R. Ashe, Esq.; Yew Hill, of J. Williams, Esq.; Mount Cross, of Mrs. Pearson; Hanover Hall, of J. Bowen, Esq.; and the glebe-house, of the Rev. R. Kirchhoffer.

The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Cloyne, and in the patronage of the Bishop: the tithes amount to £1034, of which £58. 9. 6. is payable to the economy estate of the cathedral, and £975. 10. 6. to the incumbent. The glebe-house was erected by aid of a gift of £100, and a loan of £1500, from the late Board of First Fruits, in 1813: the glebe comprises 80 acres, of which 56a. 1r. 24p. belong to the economy estate of the cathedral of St. Colman, Cloyne. The church is a large plain edifice, erected in 1774, and rebuilt in 1829, chiefly at the expense of the rector. In the R. C. divisions this parish, with the exception of a small portion united to Kilnemartry, is a benefice in itself, in which are two chapels, one at Garriganimy, a small plain building; the other at Gurraneacopple, a large substantial edifice. The male and female parochial schools are situated on the glebe, and are supported by the rector. A national school is connected with the chapel at Gurraneacopple; and there is a Sunday school under the superintendence of the rector, besides two hedge schools.

The castle of Carrig-a-Phouca is in this parish: it was built by the McCartys of Drishane, on an isolated rock in the vale of the Sullane, and consists of a square tower, still nearly entire, and one of the most perfect specimens of early castle architecture in the kingdom. The entrance is by a high craggy rock, up which not more than one person at a time can climb. In the mountains at Clashmaguire is a large heathen temple, many of the stones of which are nearly as large as those of Stonehenge At Gurtavannir are two upright stones, and near them is a druidical circle. Not far distant is the table stone of a cromlech, besides many single upright stones of large size, called Gollanes by the peasantry. In the vicinity of the glebe is a rock called the Giant's Table, surrounded by stone seats. In 1822, there were some disturbances at Carriganimy, during which the Tralee mail was plundered, and many of the peasantry were killed.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Clondrohid IrlPar       Muskerry West IrlBarony       Cork IrlC
Place: Clondrohid

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