Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for AUGHNAMULLEN

AUGHNAMULLEN, a parish, in the barony of CREMORNE, county of MONAGHAN, and province of ULSTER, 3 miles (S. by W.) from Ballibay, on the road to Dublin; containing 18,032 inhabitants. It comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 30,710 statute acres (including 1643 ¼ under water), of which 26,468 are applotted under the tithe act and valued at £19,323 per annum: there are large tracts of mountain and bog. The mountain of Bunnanimma is an isolated mass about six miles in circumference, and its summit, which, according to the above survey, rises 886 feet above the level of the sea, is the highest point of land in the county: the waters flow from this mountain on the south-east to the sea at Dundalk, and on the west-north-west to Ballyshannon. On the south-east part of it is Lough Eagish, or Crieve Lough, partly supplied by springs and partly by rain water, which descends from the heights by which it is flanked on the east and west. A stream issuing from it presents by its rapid fall and constant supply, together with the abundance of fuel furnished by the bogs in the neighbourhood, such favourable sites for bleaching-mills that not less than fourteen mills are situated on its short course northward to Ballibay water, the tail race of one serving as the head of the next below it: the lake is under the care of an engineer, or waterman, to regulate the flow of water, so that a deficiency is seldom experienced even in the driest seasons. There are many other lakes in the parish, the principal of which are Lough Avean, Lough Chantinee, and Lough Ballytrain, besides several of smaller size. A battle is said to have been fought on an island in the lough opposite the glebe-house, where many large bridles and battle-axes have been found: this island comprises several acres of very excellent land, mostly in pasture.

Of the entire extent of the parish, 25,008 acres are arable and pasture, and 1503 are bog and waste land. The soil is of an average quality, and the system of agriculture is capable of great improvement: flax of good quality is cultivated to a great extent, and wheat, oats, barley, and rye are also grown. There are very extensive bleach-greens at Crieve, near Ballibay, the property of Messrs. S. Cuningham and brothers; also similar establishments at Drumfaldra and Cremorne, respectively belonging to Messrs. Cuningham and Mr. Jackson; and at Chantinee, to Mr. Forbes. There are flax-mills at Crieve and Laragh, the latter, in which machinery for spinning has been recently erected, the property of Messrs. Davison, and, with a weaving factory and bleach-green, affording employment to more than 300 persons; a large corn-mill at Rea, and two others at Derrygooney, all well supplied with water from the lakes. Some slate quarries of an inferior description, and a lead mine, were formerly worked, but have been discontinued.

The principal seats are Mountain Lodge, situated in a beautiful demesne, that of Lieut.-Col. Ker; Lough Bawn, of W. Tenison, Esq.; Chantinee, in the demesne of which are some fine waterfalls, of J. Tilly Forbes, Esq.; the glebe-house, the residence of the Rev. R, Loftus Tottenham; Cremorne Green, of J. Jackson, Esq.; Crieve House, of S. Cuningham, Esq.; Drumfaldre, of John Cuningham, Esq.; Carnaveagh, of Jos. Cuningham, Esq.; Derrygooney, of R. A. Minnitt, Esq.; Laragh, of A. Davison, Esq.; Bushford, of R. Thompson, Esq.; Corfada, of J. McCullagh, Esq.; and Milmore, of the late T. Brunker, Esq. The living is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Clogher, and in the patronage of the Bishop: the tithes amount to £900. The church is a plain neat edifice, with a tower surmounted by four turrets, and occupies a picturesque situation: a grant of £185 has been recently made by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for its repair. Near Ballytrain is a chapel of ease, a very neat modern structure, for the eastern division of the parish. The glebe-house is handsome and commodious, and the glebe comprises 40 acres.

In the R. C. divisions this parish is divided into two districts, east and west, having separate parochial clergy: there are five chapels, of which one at Luttin, to which is attached a burial-ground, was built in 1822, at an expense of £800; and another at Loughbawn, a spacious slated edifice, was built in 1833 at an expense of £1000. There are two places of worship for Presbyterians; one at Ballytrain, in connection with the Synod of Ulster, and of the third class; and the other at Crieve, in connection with the Seceding Synod, of the second class. There are four public schools, in which about 360 boys and 180 girls are taught; and there are fifteen hedge schools, in which are about 600 boys and 360 girls; and five Sunday schools. On the summit of a hill overlooking Lough Eagish, about 25 years since, an urn was found in a rude tomb covered with a stone which weighed about two tons, supposed to be the burial-place of some prince or chief. The townland of Cremorne gives the title of Baron to the family of Dawson, of Dawson's Grove, in this county.

(Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837); Transcription © Derek Rowlinson, 2005-10. Reproduced from LibraryIreland. We are deeply grateful to LibraryIreland for allowing us to use their transcription.)

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Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Aghnamullen IrlPar       Cremorne IrlBarony       Monaghan IrlC
Place: Aghnamullen

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