A vision of Britain from 1801 to now.
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Wrotham.-- town and par. with ry. sta., Kent, 6 miles NE. of Sevenoaks, 8883 ac., pop. 3296; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank. Wrotham stands at the foot of the chalk hills, and is a very ancient place, known at Domesday as Broteham, and possessing relics of an old palace of the archbishops of Canterbury. The church is Early English, and was restored in 1843. The high road from London to Tunbridge passes through Wrotham. Some fine residences are in vicinity. The entire par. is a local government district.
(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))
Linked entities: | |
Feature Description: | "town and parish with railway station" (ADL Feature Type: "cities") |
Administrative units: | Wrotham AP/CP Kent AncC |
Place: | Wrotham |
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