Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Fleetwood

Fleetwood, seaport town and watering-place with ry. sta., Poulton-le-Fylde par., N. Lancashire, at mouth of river Wyre, 18 miles NW. of Preston and 229 NW. of London, pop. 6733; P.O., T.O., 2 Banks, 1 newspaper. Fleetwood dates from 1836, and is now a considerable town, with a large trade. Royal mail steamers ply daily to and from Belfast, and there is regular communication with the Isle of Man. The harbour is safe and extensive; a new dock, with an area of 10 ac., was opened in 1877. (For shipping statistics, see Appendix.) Within the town is a fixed light 90 ft. above high water and seen 13 miles; and on the esplanade is a fixed light 30 ft. above high water and seen 9 miles. Fleetwood has barracks and a school of musketry.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "seaport town and watering-place with railway station"   (ADL Feature Type: "harbors")
Administrative units: Lancashire AncC
Place: Fleetwood

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