Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Castlewellan

Castlewellan, market town, Kilmegan par., S. co. Down, 4 miles NW. of Newcastle ry. sta. and 19 miles NE. of Newry, pop. 892; P.O., T.O., 1 Bank.Market-day, Monday. It is a well-built little town, with beautiful environs. The staple trade is the spinning and bleaching of linen. In vicinity is C. House, seat of Earl Annesley, who takes hence the title of baron.

(John Bartholomew, Gazetteer of the British Isles (1887))

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "market town"   (ADL Feature Type: "cities")
Administrative units: Down IrlC
Place: Castlewellan

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