Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Leader Water

Leader Water, a stream of W Berwickshire chiefly, but partly also of NW Roxburghshire. Rising as Kelphope Burn at an altitude of 1375 feet on the southern slope of Lammer Law, just within Haddingtonshire, it thence runs 21¼ miles south -south-eastward through or along the borders of Channelkirk, Lauder, Legerwood, Melrose, Earlston, and Merton parishes, till, after a total descent of 1160 feet, it falls into the Tweed near Drygrange, 2 miles E by N of Melrose town. Its upper course, among the Lammermuirs, lies through bleak hilly scenery; its middle and lower course through a pleasant vale, flanked with hills, swells, and plains. Its current is generally brisk, and its waters afford as good trout-fishing as any almost in Scotland. Some of the scenes along its banks are celebrated in the old song of Leader Haughs and Yarrow; and it was on the hills surrounding its upper vale that St Cuthbert, whilst tending his flock, beheld the vision which led him to embrace the religious life.—Ord. Sur., shs. 33, 25, 1863-65.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a stream"   (ADL Feature Type: "streams")
Administrative units: Berwickshire ScoCnty       Roxburghshire ScoCnty

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