Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Kirkmichael or Resolis

Kirkmichael or Resolis, a parish of Ross-shire and Cromartyshire, which, containing the villages of Gordon's Mills and Jemimaville, lies in the NW of the Black Isle, and comprises the ancient parishes of Kirkmichael and Cullicudden. Its church stands 7 miles WSW of Cromarty, and 3 SW of the post-town and station, Invergordon. It is bounded NW, N, and NE by the Cromarty Firth, E and SE by Cromarty, SE by Rosemarkie and Avoch, and SW by Urquhart. Its utmost length, from NE to SW, is 6¾ miles; its utmost breadth is 3¾ miles; and its area is 12, 449 acres. The coast-line, 9 1/8 miles in extent, has a gravelly shore, interspersed with low flat rocks; and from it the surface rises to 397 feet at Kilbeachie Wood, 231 at the Bog of Cullicudden, and 838 at the highest point of broadbased Ardmeanach or Mullbuie, on the SE boundary. The interior, however, is intersected by a valley, which, extending north-eastward nearly from end to end of the parish, contains by far the greater part of its arable land, and is traversed by the Burn of Resolis to the Cromarty Firth at Gordon's Mills. Old Red sandstone, varying in hue from red to a deep yellow, is the prevailing rock, and has been quarried, although it is mainly of inferior quality for building purposes. The soil, for the most part a light black loam on a hard tilly bottom, along the north-western shore is sharper and more productive; but almost everywhere requires laborious tillage and careful husbandry. Some tracts are embellished with plantations or natural wood, but most parts are bare or moorish. The chief antiquities are numerous tumuli on the moors, traces of ancient camps, the fragmentary ruin of Castlecraig, and the remains of old Kirkmichael church, graphically described by Hugh Miller. Mansions, both noticed separately, are Newhall and Poyntzfield; and 2 proprietors hold each an annual value of more, 7 of less, than £500. Kirkmichael is in the presbytery of Chanonry and synod of Ross; the living is worth £365. The parish church, built in 1830, is amply commodious. There is also a Free church; and two new public schools, Cullicudden and Newhall, each with accommodation for 123 children, had (1881) an average attendance of 64 and 76, and grants of £53, 11s. and £67, 15s. Valuation (1860) £4782, (1881) £6491. Pop. (1831) 1470, (1861) 1568, (1871) 1527, (1881) 1424, of whom 601 were Gaelic-speaking.—Ord. Sur., shs. 94, 93, 83, 84, 1876-81.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a parish"   (ADL Feature Type: "countries, 4th order divisions")
Administrative units: Resolis ScoP       Cromarty ScoCnty       Ross Shire ScoCnty
Place: Resolis

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