Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Gometra

Gometra, an island in Kilninian and Kilmore parish, Argyllshire, on the S side of Loch Tuadh, immediately W of Ulva, and 2 miles NNE of Staffa. Measuring 2 miles by 1, it is separated from Ulva by only a narrow strait, oftener dry than under water, and comprises a considerable extent of arable land, with fertile loamy soil. Elsewhere it consists of eruptive rocks, that rise to a height of 800 feet, and present a skirt of basaltic columns, with a receding series of terraces. It has two harbours, one on the N, the other on the S; and is an excellent fishing station. Pop. (1837) 168, (1861) 23, (1871) 26, (1881) 30.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "an island"   (ADL Feature Type: "islands")
Administrative units: Kilninian and Kilmore ScoP       Argyll ScoCnty
Place: Gometra

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