Descriptive Gazetteer Entry for Falloch

Falloch, a rivulet of Perth and Dumharton shires, rising, at an altitude of 2600 feet above sea-level, on Ben-a-Chroin, close to the southern border of Killin parish. Thence it runs 37/8miles north-by-westward to a point (563 feet) 1½ mile SW of Crianlarich Hotel, and thence 3¾ miles south-westward, 31/8 miles southward, till it falls into the head of Loch Lomond (23 feet) at Ardlui. The chief of its many mountain affluents are the Dubh Eas and the Allt Arnan or Aldernan on the right, and the Allt Inse on the left. From the point where it turns southward, it traverses the romantic glen named after it Glen Falloch; forms, in one part, a fine cascade; and has mostly a rapid current, though finally it subsides into comparative sluggishness. Its trout, as a rule, run small, but are so plentiful that from ten to twelve dozen have been taken by one rod in the course of a few hours.—Ord. Sur., shs. 46, 38, 1872-71.

(F.H. Groome, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland (1882-4); © 2004 Gazetteer for Scotland)

Linked entities:
Feature Description: "a rivulet"   (ADL Feature Type: "streams")
Administrative units: Perthshire ScoCnty

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