Rate : Illegitimacy Rate

Rates are used to define comparative statistics that can be mapped and graphed. For example, our occupational information includes counts of the number of workers in employment and out of employment, as well as the total number of workers. We then define a measure called the 'Unemployment Rate', which uses the number out of work rather than the number in work, and expresses it as a percentage of the total, rather than a rate per thousand. The descriptive text in the system is defined mainly for rates.

Illegitimacy Rate
Rate (R)
BIRTH_LEGIT:ill * 100.0 / BIRTH_TOT:total
Display as:
Continuous time series
Illegitimate Births as a percentage of all births. Until quite recently, vital registration statistics separately counted the number of children born to un-married parents.

Rate " Illegitimacy Rate " is contained within:

Themes, which organise the database into broad topics:

Entity ID Entity Name
T_VITAL Life & Death

Rate " Illegitimacy Rate " contains no lower-level entities.