Rate : Percentage aged under 15

Rates are used to define comparative statistics that can be mapped and graphed. For example, our occupational information includes counts of the number of workers in employment and out of employment, as well as the total number of workers. We then define a measure called the 'Unemployment Rate', which uses the number out of work rather than the number in work, and expresses it as a percentage of the total, rather than a rate per thousand. The descriptive text in the system is defined mainly for rates.

Percentage aged under 15
Rate (R)
AGE_GROUP:0_14 * 100.0 / TOT_POP:now
Display as:
Continuous time series
Over the last 150 years, the proportion of children has dropped steadily. For any given date, variations between districts are within a much narrower range. In general, areas whose populations were growing fast would have contained a lot of children, because immigrants are generally young adults who then tend to have children. Today, it could also be argued that couples about to have children will try to move to certain kinds of areas 'good for bringing up kids': having good schools is a powerful magnet.

Local concentrations of young people in 1851 and 2011 were surprisingly similar, focused on the south midlands with most of London lacking children. However, the pattern at the start of the 20th century was rather different. High proportions of children were found in the industrial areas, reflecting their recent rapid growth, and in some parts of outer London. Of course, if we had included 15 to 19 year olds within this category, areas today with universities would also appear as concentrations of the young.

Rate " Percentage aged under 15 " is contained within:

Themes, which organise the database into broad topics:

Entity ID Entity Name
T_POP Population

Rate " Percentage aged under 15 " contains no lower-level entities.