1921 Census of England and Wales, General Report with Appendices, Table 40 : " Excess of Females in the marriageable Population (i.e., Single and Widowed, and Divorced), aged 20 years and over".

Ages. Ratio of Females to 1,000
Excess of Females over
1921. 1911. 1921. 1911. Increase
20—24 1,043 984 50,808 -20,511 71,319
25—29 1,154 990 93,194 -7,052 100,246
30—34 1,470 1,111 147,148 43,423 103,725
35—44 1,683 1,366 294,577 165,853 128,724
45—54 1,768 1,726 277,132 224,629 52,503
55—64 2,038 1,960 311,930 247,226 64,704
65 and over 2,263 2,147 493,057 392,509 100,548