1931 Census of England and Wales, Occupation Tables, Table 17 : " Occupations (condensed list) of Males and Females, showing also the total Operatives and the total Out of Work".

Show Staffordshire AdmC table Walsall CB/MB  
Occupation Persons
MALES: Total, all ages. 50,007 Show data context
Total, aged 14 years and over. 36,838 Show data context
I-XXXI Occupied, 14 years and over. 34,399 Show data context
Operatives (in work). 24,415 Show data context
Out of work (all classes). 6,428 Show data context
XXXII Unoccupied and retired, 14 years and over. 2,439 Show data context
I Fishermen. 0 Show data context
II Agricultural occupations. 390 Show data context
  011 Farmers. 36 Show data context
  013, 030 Gardeners and their labourers. 195 Show data context
  020-3 Agricultural labourers. 141 Show data context
III Mining and quarrying occupations. 2,663 Show data context
IV Makers of coal, gas, lime, etc. 44 Show data context
V Makers of bricks, pottery, glass. 127 Show data context
VI Workers in chemicals, paints, etc. 27 Show data context
VII Metal workers. 8,656 Show data context
  150-9 Foundry workers (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 2,030 Show data context
  160 Smiths, etc. (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 560 Show data context
  170 Metal machinists (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 604 Show data context
  180-9 Fitters, mechanical engineers, etc. (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 1,017 Show data context
VIII Workers in precious metals. 185 Show data context
IX Electrical apparatus makers, fitters. 468 Show data context
X Makers of watches, clocks, etc. 33 Show data context
XI Workers in skins; leather goods makers. 1,623 Show data context
XII Textile workers. 29 Show data context
XIII Makers of textile goods and articles of dress. 623 Show data context
  344 Tailors (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 185 Show data context
  352-6 Boot, shoe and clog makers (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 142 Show data context
XIV (1) Makers of foods. 345 Show data context
XIV (2,3) Makers of drinks. 51 Show data context
XIV (4) Makers of tobacco. 0 Show data context
XV Workers in wood and furniture. 1,098 Show data context
  414 Carpenters (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 469 Show data context
  424, 5 Wood carvers and turners (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 93 Show data context
XVI Paper workers, bookbinders, etc. 30 Show data context
XVII Printers and photographers. 234 Show data context
XVIII Builders, bricklayers, etc. 2,141 Show data context
  484, 490 Bricklayers and masons (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 482 Show data context
XIX Painters and decorators, etc. 535 Show data context
XX-XXI Workers in miscellaneous materials. 358 Show data context
XXII (1) Railway transport workers. 1,129 Show data context
XXII (2) Road transport workers. 1,543 Show data context
XXII (3, 4) Water and other transport workers. 618 Show data context
  658-9 Messengers and porters. 349 Show data context
XXIII Commercial and financial occupations. 3,081 Show data context
  670-85 Proprietors and managers of retail businesses. 972 Show data context
  700-716 Shop assistants in retail businesses. 707 Show data context
XXIV Public administration and defence. 199 Show data context
XXV Professional occupations. 577 Show data context
  800-1 Teachers. 220 Show data context
XXVI Persons professionally engaged in entertainments, etc. 174 Show data context
XXVII Persons engaged in personal service. 777 Show data context
XXVIII Clerks, draughtsmen, typists. 1,410 Show data context
XXIX Warehousemen, packers. 534 Show data context
XXX Stationary engine drivers, etc. 357 Show data context
XXXI Other and undefined workers. 4,340 Show data context
  920-930 General and undefined labourers. 2,242 Show data context
  940 Unskilled workers in factories, works, etc. 1,809 Show data context
FEMALES: Total, all ages. 53,052 Show data context
Total, aged 14 years and over. 39,672 Show data context
I-XXXI Occupied, 14 years and over. 15,155 Show data context
  Operatives (in work). 11,930 Show data context
  Out of work (all classes). 2,128 Show data context
XXXII Unoccupied and retired, 14 years and over. 24,517 Show data context
I to XI Total of orders I to XI. 4,724 Show data context
II Agricultural occupations (010-039). 15 Show data context
V Makers of bricks, pottery, glass (090-108). 13 Show data context
VI Workers in chemicals and paints, etc. (110-128). 12 Show data context
VII Metal workers (130-238). 1,733 Show data context
IX Electrical apparatus makers, fitters (250-269). 195 Show data context
XI Workers in skins; leather goods makers (280-298). 2,665 Show data context
XII Textile workers. 21 Show data context
XIII Makers of textile goods and articles of dress. 2,093 Show data context
  344 Tailoresses (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 1,407 Show data context
  345 Dress and blouse makers (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 135 Show data context
  347-8, 360-8 Embroiderers, milliners, sewers, etc. (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 183 Show data context
XIV Makers of foods, drinks, tobacco. 49 Show data context
  370-8 Makers of foods. 41 Show data context
XV Workers in wood and furniture. 23 Show data context
XVI Paper workers, bookbinders. 161 Show data context
XVII Printers and photographers. 83 Show data context
XVIII-XXI Total of orders XVIII to XXI (builders, painters and decorators, other and mixed products). 387 Show data context
XXII Transport workers. 72 Show data context
  654-6 Telegraph and telephone operators (excluding employers, managers and foremen). 30 Show data context
XXIII Commercial and financial occupations. 1,586 Show data context
  670-85 Proprietors and managers of retail businesses. 578 Show data context
  700-716 Shop assistants in retail businesses. 815 Show data context
XXIV Public administration and defence. 3 Show data context
XXV Professional occupations. 708 Show data context
  790-99 Midwives, nurses, etc. 237 Show data context
  800-1 Teachers. 447 Show data context
XXVI Persons professionally engaged in entertainments, etc. 33 Show data context
XXVII Persons engaged in personal service. 2,792 Show data context
  850 Domestic servants. 1,667 Show data context
  862 Lodging and boarding house keepers. 50 Show data context
  864-5 Innkeepers, barmaids, etc. 167 Show data context
  866 Waiters/Waitresses. 71 Show data context
  870 Laundry workers. 227 Show data context
  874 Charwomen. 352 Show data context
XXVIII Clerks, typists, etc. 1,309 Show data context
XXIX Warehousewomen, packers. 571 Show data context
XXX-XXI Total of orders XXX and XXXI (Stationary engine drivers, other and undefined workers). 540 Show data context
  940 Unskilled workers in factories, works, etc. 502 Show data context

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This website does not try to provide an exact replica of the original printed census tables, which often had thousands of rows and far more columns than will fit on our web pages. Instead, we let you drill down from national totals to the most detailed data available. The column headings are those that appeared in the original printed report. The numbers presented here, which are the same ones we use to create statistical maps and graphs, come from the census table and have usually been carefully checked.

The system can only hold statistics for units listed in our administrative gazetteer, so some rows from the original table may be missing. Sometimes big low-level units, like urban parishes, were divided between more than one higher-level units, like Registration sub-Districts. This is why some pages will give a higher figure for a lower-level unit: it covers the whole of the lower-level unit, not just the part within the current higher-level unit.