1931 Census of England and Wales, General Report, Table 51 : " Distribution of Population over 14 years of Age by Occupational Order and Region".

    England and Wales South East Greater London (included in previous column) North 1 North 2 North 3 North 4 Midland 1 Midland 2 East South West Wales 1 Wales 2
I-XXXII Aged 14 and over 100,000 33,597 20,322 5,522 3,207 8,684 15,204 11,252 6,011 4,668 5,239 4,858 1,758
I-XXXI Occupied, 14 and over 90,531 30,140 18,509 5,028 2,894 8,013 13,943 10,324 5,517 4,159 4,549 4,411 1,553
I Fishermen 184 16 1 14 31 0 19 1 0 60 27 4 12
II Agricultural occupations 7,631 2,001 281 193 459 322 557 858 438 1,225 952 228 400
III Mining and quarrying occupations 6,603 83 11 1,333 139 1,211 594 614 877 22 129 1,426 176
IV Workers in the treatment of non-metalliferous mine and quarry products 159 50 28 10 5 15 24 18 15 5 8 7 2
V Makers of bricks, pottery and glass 493 106 55 18 5 49 58 184 34 11 15 7 7
VI Workers in chemical processes ; makers of paints, 271 80 63 16 12 19 62 34 23 5 6 6 9
VII Metal workers (not electroplate or precious 9,224 2,235 1,395 656 275 1,015 1,483 1,926 525 295 311 430 74
VIII Workers in precious metals and electroplate 159 49 43 1 1 29 6 68 3 1 1 1 0
IX Electrical apparatus makers and fitters (not elsewhere enumerated) and electricians 1,272 555 381 60 26 82 204 159 59 33 47 35 11
X Makers of watches, clocks and scientific instruments 142 73 55 4 3 10 15 14 5 6 6 3 2
XI Workers in skins and leather and makers of leather and leather substitute goods (not boots or shoes) 320 136 111 5 6 29 48 36 29 10 15 4 3
XII Textile workers 2,061 42 25 3 8 611 1,069 63 220 11 23 4 5
XIII Makers of textile goods and articles of dress 1,891 633 474 35 36 160 283 152 378 90 72 34 18
XIV Makers of foods, drinks and tobacco 1,148 410 243 31 32 80 164 145 68 79 79 42 19
XV Workers in wood and furniture 3,421 1,362 821 157 97 239 478 428 180 157 195 84 45
XVI Makers of and workers in paper and cardboard ; bookbinders, etc 256 130 75 6 3 13 50 21 15 5 10 2 1
XVII Printers and photographers 1,041 552 418 23 20 65 143 97 53 31 35 15 7
XVIII Builders, bricklayers, stone and slate workers; contractors 4,730 1,656 929 221 153 382 612 575 287 243 306 181 115
XIX Painters and decorators 1,785 849 554 59 38 115 232 209 79 61 84 42 17
XX Workers in other materials 203 67 54 2 2 10 54 42 11 4 11 1 0
XXI Workers in mixed or undefined materials (not elsewhere enumerated) 457 185 133 38 14 34 59 46 24 13 18 21 4
XXII Persons employed in transport and communication 10,701 4,197 2,849 529 428 697 1,808 979 481 443 490 494 154
XXIII Commercial, finance and insurance occupations (excluding clerks) 10,023 4,038 2,643 412 276 805 1,587 987 523 412 455 382 146
XXIV Persons employed in public administration and defence (excluding professional men, clerical staff and typists) 1,983 1,132 395 40 84 68 125 96 39 79 262 36 22
XXV Professional occupations (excluding clerical staff) 2,438 1,043 661 105 67 169 324 231 113 97 129 109 50
XXVI Persons professionally engaged in entertainments and sport 626 281 189 27 17 47 94 53 27 24 27 22 7
XXVII Persons engaged in personal service (including institutions, clubs, hotels, etc.) 3,164 1,542 1,009 101 80 197 406 262 139 138 176 81 42
XXVIII Clerks and draughtsmen ; typists 5,436 2,630 2,026 194 121 365 866 520 239 145 160 153 42
XXIX Warehousemen, storekeepers and packers 1,742 667 531 44 28 182 383 198 106 43 44 38 9
XXX Stationary engine drivers, dynamo and motor attendants 1,074 235 148 89 42 135 183 115 71 32 32 125 16
XXXI Other and undefined workers 9,896 3108 1908 602 388 857 1953 1194 455 379 424 396 138
XXXII Retired or not gainfully occupied 9,469 3457 1813 494 312 671 1261 928 494 509 690 447 206
I-XXXII Aged 14 and over 100,000 35,078 21,505 5,059 3,057 8,547 15,633 11,082 5,808 4,417 5,350 4,249 1,721
I-XXXI Occupied, 14 and over 34,160 12,673 8,581 1,169 841 3,024 6,552 3,989 2,028 1,164 1,464 829 427
I Fishermen - - - - - - - - - - - - -
II Agricultural occupations 339 70 17 22 19 13 35 36 14 46 33 20 32
III Mining and quarrying occupations 16 - - - 2 - 12 - - - - - -
IV Workers in the treatment of non-metalliferous mine and quarry products 7 2 2 - - - 3 1 - - - - -
V Makers of bricks, pottery and glass 155 12 11 4 - 4 6 121 5 - 1 1 -
VI Workers in chemical processes ; makers of paints, oils, etc. 26 10 8 1 1 1 5 5 2 - - - -
VII Metal workers (not electro plate or precious metals) 586 101 84 8 10 54 48 328 20 5 3 8 1
VIII Workers in precious metals and electro plate 70 7 6 - - 24 2 36 - - - - -
IX Electrical apparatus makers and fitters (not else-where enumerated) and electricians 173 90 78 1 - 4 31 39 4 2 1 - -
X Makers of watches, clocks and scientific instruments 10 5 5 - - 1 1 2 - - - - -
XI Workers in skins and leather and makers of leather and leather substitute goods (not boots or shoes) 147 75 71 2 1 8 17 32 6 2 3 - -
XII Textile workers 3498 60 38 9 17 826 1932 145 438 28 30 2 12
XIII Makers of textile goods and articles of dress 3308 1300 1041 53 44 343 628 279 387 95 115 46 17
XIV Makers of foods, drinks and tobacco 456 124 102 25 20 48 128 54 21 13 11 9 3
XV Workers in wood and furniture 120 57 41 3 2 9 16 15 7 4 4 1 -
XVI Makers of and workers in paper and cardboard ; bookbinders, etc 390 173 132 8 6 23 74 55 31 8 9 3 1
XVII Printers and photographers 231 97 74 7 7 21 41 31 12 6 6 3 1
XVIII Builders, bricklayers, stone and slate workers; contractors 5 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - -
XIX Painters and decorators 220 35 29 2 - 7 11 156 5 1 1 1 -
XX Workers in other materials 116 45 39 1 1 4 30 26 4 2 3 - -
XXI Workers in mixed or undefined materials (not elsewhere enumerated) 90 54 49 2 - 5 8 17 2 1 1 - -
XXII Persons employed in transport and communication 420 188 144 21 11 30 61 41 22 14 16 11 5
XXIII Commercial, finance and insurance occupations (excluding clerks) 3686 1274 801 228 121 280 662 406 166 146 194 155 53
XXIV Persons employed in public administration and defence (excluding professional men, clerical staff and typists) 18 9 7 1 - 1 2 1 1 1 1 - -
XXV Professional occupations (excluding clerical staff) 2373 971 576 102 70 161 318 247 114 106 141 99 44
XXVI Persons professionally engaged in entertainments and sport 136 76 57 5 3 9 18 9 4 4 5 4 1
XXVII Persons engaged in personal service (including institutions, clubs, hotels, etc.) 11742 5208 3048 493 402 715 1446 1109 472 549 755 362 231
XXVIII Clerks and draughtsmen ; typists 3534 1839 1467 113 59 216 479 411 162 77 98 64 17
XXIX Warehousemen, storekeepers and packers 949 345 297 28 20 79 206 168 67 17 12 8 1
XXX Stationary engine drivers, dynamo and motor attendants 2 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - -
XXXI Other and undefined workers 1337 442 357 32 26 137 329 218 61 37 21 30 xxx
XXXII Retired or not gainfully occupied 65840 22405 12924 3889 2216 5523 9081 7093 3780 3252 3886 3420 1294